I am starting a new feature on my blog about favorite furniture pieces and the stories behind them. First up is my friend Niko Sol who I studied abroad with in 2005.
What is your most prized furniture possession and why?
My most prized furniture possession is a piano. I am a creator, a builder, activated by sound...it seems no matter what project or challenge I'm trying to accomplish, having my piano around to just sit down and mess around with or actually construct a song leaves me feeling motivated and confident, warm and fuzzy [laughs]: It's just something everytime I sit down to, I walk away still playing, using the energy from it to pour into the next project at hand. I think once we learn whatever possession we treasure can do for us in terms of motivation and sense of good feeling, the happier us is much more willing and confident to accomplishing their task.
What is the story behind your piece?
I was haunted growing up by my sisters for singing about everything, from "[singing] Oh look, there's a tree, and a truck, and oh wow a bus and leaves!" They'd make fun of me for loving singing so much until I was 6 and my mom's boyfriend bought the house a piano. They must've hated me back then, because I started putting my "trees, trucks, and leaves" song to music [laughs]. Since then, I've never received actual lessons privately, but I practiced and practiced until I developed a style. I think since that day with the piano, my life changed drastically, because I had been surrounded by instrument but never so drawn to anything else like I am to the piano. I've never felt right since without a piano or a keyboard in my household.
What is your home décor style?
Mmm, I love the antique look of good lumber for cabinets and hardwood floors, but I also love contemporary layouts and futuristically modern pieces mixed in. When I think of my style, I see a really spaced out Jetson's cartoon look, but with dark, earthy hues, sleek contoured walls and high-ceilings, a large grand piano and a grandfather clock to boot.
How does your home reflect you?
I think of it this way: When I walk into my home and it's a mess, I feel a mess. I feel like I need to clean in order to get into a good head space, for my organization is essential to being clear as with what to do next. So, when my home is clean, organized, and styled with a strong sense of feng shui, not only am I inspired to create, I feel like the only left to do is to create; I'm relaxed and ready to explore time with my creativity.
Who do you live with and where do you live?
I've traveled extensively throughout my teenage years and early 20's, but currently I am successfully residing in Sydney, Australia with a phenomenal couple I met while exploring new friendships and artistic circles. Originally from Boston, MA, I moved to London to study fashion at AIU, then to a small college town north of San Francisco named Arcata where I majored in psychology, art, and music. I fell in love and dropped everything when I attended Burning Man 2010, which I know is quite cliche, however real. Although the relationship didn't last, fortunately I managed to actually find focus and solice leaving me completely clear to receive what I believe to be my life's project: N.Ev.Lo (Neo Evolutionary Logic), which is my art platform for all future projects. In 2013, I will be premiering my first album which is foundation to N.Ev.Lo's launch. You see, everything has been centered around me and my piano since day 1.
If your home were the background in a tv show or movie what would you want it to be filmed for?
A circus cabaret show shot live online! [laughs] The flat I live in is littered with art, instruments, beautiful furniture, plants, and centered in a beautiful spot of Sydney, Surry Hills. I think people's eyes would be darting around from the performance to all the artistic eye-candy floating around the shots on camera.